Monday, March 3, 2025
Battle Reports

Jhokalups – Frontline Intel Report – 3

Jhokalups Frontline Intel Report – 3

This week was a holiday week for us, unfortunately the holiday in question fell on our regular game night. With it being a holiday weekend, many of our locals either had family in town our were out of town visiting family. For me it was family in town; my parents came our way for turkey day; which nixes any idea meeting someone on a different day for a “quick” game of Infinity.

It seems like I get an opportunity to write an Intel report every four games or so. I’ll look at making these a regularly scheduled thing. I like being able to take some time and reflect on my progress with the game.

So far I have played 8 games, and have learned a lot with each one. Five of the games have been at the Recon+ size, and the other three were 300 point ITS X. I am still enjoying the game, and the challenging puzzle it presents. My biggest struggle is remembering all the options I have on my models. It will be worthwhile to develop a couple of lists and focus on those and the profiles inside. As opposed to what I have been doing, which is changing my lists for every game. I do have some favorite profiles; the Riot Grrl Spitfire, Pi-Well, and the Reverend Custodier HD+. The Spitfire on the Riot Grrl is a dominating force on the Recon+ battlefield, almost the whole field is in the +3 range band, and in that format, there are not a lot of anti heavy infantry options being brought. Pi-Well has proven himself to be an excellent quick gun fighter, and repeater, and a specialist; it seems like the little guy can do anything. Any failings that have happened while I was using him have been my fault for not knowing all his abilities. Finally the Reverend Custodier, this profile has been my Lieutenant the last few games and I am unlikely to change that. I am still learning about hacking options and solutions that having provides (my default behavior is to solve problems with more bullets). I enjoy having access to supportware, white noise, and an extra order for cybermask. These all make the Custodier an awesome choice to lead my forces.

The Spitfire on the Riot Grrl is a dominating force on the Recon+ battlefield, almost the whole field is in the +3 range band, and in that format, there are not a lot of anti heavy infantry options being brought. Pi-Well has proven himself to be an excellent quick gun fighter, and repeater, and a specialist; it seems like the little guy can do anything. Any failings that have happened while I was using him have been my fault for not knowing all his abilities. Finally the Reverend Custodier, this profile has been my Lieutenant the last few games and I am unlikely to change that. I am still learning about hacking options and solutions that having provides (my default behavior is to solve problems with more bullets). I enjoy having access to supportware, white noise, and an extra order for cybermask. These all make the Custodier an awesome choice to lead my forces.

I have been inspired by all the nice terrain options to make a table for travel and home. It’s an urban block setting, with modular buildings for apartments and shops. Eventually I would like to add garbage bins, cars, and little kiosk shops. So far I have the skeleton of three buildings done and a fourth one started. I still need to work on balconies and rooftop AC condensers. As well as paint them. Below is a picture from a recent game with the first floors.

Overall, I continue to enjoy the game. Infinity is a good strategically puzzle, and offers the challenge of list building. Over the next month I will work on expanding into 300 point lists with more than one order group. Thanks for reading, next week we will hopefully return to Frontline operation reports.
