INTEL FILE: Shot in the Back

“Where is the best place to aim when you shoot someone Sensei-sama?”-
“In the back Jai Li-kun, in the back…”
-Ninja Master, The Foot Clan
Ever been confused by how Warning!, Guts, Change Face and Alert work? Ever been confused when they all have to work together?????? At the same time!!!!!!
In this article I’m going to take a detailed look at some of the most misunderstood and often misused rules in Infinity the Game: Warning!, Alert, Change Face and Guts. I decided to look at all together as they often interact in strange ways and provided different mechanisms to react to incoming fire outside of Line of Fire, and give ways to react when nearby troops are hit.
Rather than go through each rule, I will instead pose a variety of different examples and use those to explore how each of the rules should be correctly used, and when there is sometimes a choice between the rules, which one may be a better choice. Each example is split into a set of related versions.
Each example is set out used the Order Expenditure Sequence (ignoring Step 1: Activate and Step 2: Order Expenditure).
Commonly used acronyms:
- LOF – Line of Fire
- F2F – Face to Face test
- ZoC – Zone of Control
Bold terms are directly quoted from the rules text.
Example A – Single Trooper, outside LoF, outside Zone of Control!
The courageous Keisotsu Hinata moves around a corner and sees the Zhanshi Xin, who is looking the other way. He lines up his Combi Rifle and lets off a series of bursts – and completely misses (Hinata has only completed Keisotsu basic training after all). In the confusion of the battle Zhanshi Xin hadn’t even realised he was being fired at….
Version 1
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Keisotsu Hinata – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s: Zhanshi Xin – No ARO possible, no enemy in LoF or ZoC
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Keisotsu Hinata – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s: No ARO possible.
- Resolution: Hinata is at 12”. He needs 13’s (BS10 +3 Range). He rolls [14], [18], [15]. All shots miss.
- Effects: Zhanshi Xin was the target of an attack so can use Warning! to spin, without changing position (e.g. not going prone or standing up) to face the attacker.
- Conclusion:–
Version 2
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Keisotsu Hinata – Idle
- Declaration of ARO’s: Zhanshi Xin – No ARO possible, no enemy in LoF or ZoC
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Keisotsu Hinata – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s: No ARO possible.
- Resolution:Hinata is at 12”. He needs 13’s. He rolls [5], [14], [20]. One shot hit.
- Zhanshi Xin (ARM 1) rolls and ARM save vs the Combi Rifles Damage 13. He rolls [15], +1 is 16. Success
- Effects:Zhanshi Xin takes no damage.
- As he was the target of an attack and he had not activated by ARO he can activate Warning! and spin, without changing position (e.g. not going prone, or standing up) to face Keisotsu Hinata.
- Conclusion:Zhanshi Xin now makes a Guts roll as he had to make an ARM save. He rolls [15] and fails (his WP is 13). As there is no way to improve his cover within 2”, he goes prone without any further modification of his facing.
Example B Single Trooper, outside LoF, inside ZoC.
Miranda Ashcroft, Bounty Hunter moved carefully around the corner of a building. The target, Keisotsu Hinata, who was hugging the wall of a building, looking out down the street and shooting bursts from his Combi Rifle. Miranda kicked some stones as she moved up to see Keisotsu Hinata, but despite her lack of stealth, he was oblivious to her presence. She bought up her Boarding shotgun, firing off two loud bursts.
Version 1 Change Face, no cover in 2”
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Miranda – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s: Keisotsu Hinata – declares Change Face as Miranda has activated in his ZoC (without stealth).
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Miranda – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s:No further ARO possible – ARO already declared.
- Resolution:Miranda is at 6”. She needs 18’s (BS 12 + 6 range). She rolls [8], [19]. One burst hit.
- Keisotsu Hinata rolls Change Face (PH 10 – 3) and rolls a [5]. It’s a pass but doesn’t beat Miranda’s [8] in the F2F roll.
- Effects:Keisotsu Hinata (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 14. He rolls a (14) + 1 ARM = 15 and passes. Hinata can’t use Warning! to spin as he has already Activated by ARO.
- Conclusion:Keisotsu Hinata doesn’t need to make a gut’s roll as he has Valour: Courage – but he elects to automatically fail the roll. There is no cover within 2” so he goes prone without modifying his facing.
Version 2 No ARO, no cover in 2”
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Miranda – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s: Keisotsu Hinata – chooses not to Activate by ARO
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Miranda – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s: No new ARO opportunities.
- Resolution:Miranda is at 6”. She needs 18’s (BS 12 + 6 range). She rolls [8], [19]. One burst hit.
- Effects:Keisotsu Hinata (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 14. He rolls a (14) + 1 ARM = 15 and passes.
- Hinata can use Warning! to spin as he was the target of an attack and has not already Activated by ARO. He spins, without changing position (e.g. going prone) to change is facing to be able to draw LoF to Miranda.
- Conclusion:Keisotsu Hinata doesn’t need to make a gut’s roll as he has Valour: Courage. He decides to automatically pass the Guts check.
Version 3 – ARO Change Face, cover available within 2”
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Miranda – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s: Keisotsu Hinata – declares Change Face as Miranda has activated in his ZoC (without stealth).
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Miranda – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s: No further ARO possible – ARO already declared.
- Resolution:Miranda is at 6”. She needs 18’s (BS 12 + 6 range). She rolls [8], [19]. One burst hits.
- Keisotsu Hinata rolls Change Face (PH 10 – 3) and rolls a [5]. It’s a pass but doesn’t beat Miranda’s [8] in the F2F roll.
- Effects:Keisotsu Hinata (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 14. He rolls a (14) + 1 ARM and passes.
- Hinata can’t use Warning! to spin as he has already Activated by ARO.
- Conclusion: Keisotsu Hinata doesn’t need to make a gut’s roll as he has Valour: Courage – but he elects to automatically fail to roll.There is cover within 2” so he performs a 2” move to obtains Total Cover from Miranda, and as part of the move changes facing in case Miranda follows him.
Example C Multiple Troopers.
Shinobu Kitsune sheathed he monofilament blade as quickly as she had killed the Imperial Agent Crane Rank. Drawing her Combi rifle she moved to the corner to see three Celestial guards. One was looking her way (Diu), and the other two were looking away (Zhang and Wei). Guardsman Diu snapped up her Combi Rifle shouting an alert!
Version 1 Using Warning!
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Shinobu – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s:Diu – BS Attack
- Zhang and Wei – No ARO possible as Shinobu is outside ZoC and LoF
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Shinobu – BS Attack
- Declaration of ARO’s: No further ARO possible – ARO already declared.
- Resolution:Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 11”). She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [4], [17], [19].
- Diu makes her BS Attack ARO (Range 11”). She needs 8’s (BS 12 +3 Range -3 cover, -6 TO Camo). She rolls a [4].
- Shinobu’s [4] ties with Diu’s [4].
- Effects:Zhang and Wei are both within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who the target of an attack so can use Warning! to spin, without changing position (e.g. not going prone or standing up) to face the attacker.
- Conclusion:–
Version 2 Using Warning!
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Shinobu – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s:Diu – BS Attack
- Zhang and Wei – No ARO possible as Shinobu is outside ZoC and LoF
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Shinobu – BS Attack, B3 vs Diu
- Declaration of ARO’s: No further ARO possible – ARO already declared.
- Resolution:Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 11”). She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [4], [7], [15].
- Diu makes her BS Attack ARO (Range 11”). She needs 5’s (BS 11 +3 Range -3 cover, -6 TO Camo). She rolls a [4].
- Shinobu’s [7] hits.
- Effects:Diu (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 13. She rolls [12] +1 = 13, and fails, loses one wound and goes to the Unconscious state
- Zhang and Wei are both within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. They both have not Activated by ARO. They both use Warning! to spin, without changing position to face Shinobu.
- Conclusion:–
Version 3 Using Alert
- Declaration of the First Short Skill:Shinobu – Move.
- Declaration of ARO’s:Diu – Alert! ALL friendly trooper may immediately make a Change Face roll.
- Zhang and Wei – No ARO possible as Shinobu is outside ZoC and LoF.
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Shinobu – BS Attack, B3 vs Diu.
- Declaration of ARO’s: No further ARO possible – ARO already declared.
- Resolution:Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 11”). She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [4], [7], [15].
- Diu resolves her Alert!
- Zhang and Wei make Change Face rolls (PH 10 – 3).
- Zhang rolls [8] and fails.
- Wei rolls [2] and passes.
- Effects:Diu (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 13. She rolls [12] +1 = 13, and fails, loses one wound and goes to the Unconscious state
- Wei made his Change Face roll and changes his facing to see Shinobu.
- Zhang and Wei are both within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. They both have Activated by ARO so can’t use Warning!
- Conclusion:–
As you can see from the above examples, using Warning! is far better than using Alert, as Warning! is automatically successful, while Change Face requires a PH -3 test.
Version 4 Inside ZoC
- Declaration of the First Short Skill:Shinobu – Move
- Declaration of ARO’s:Diu – Declares BS Attack.
- Zhang and Wei – Can’t declare ARO’s due to Shinobu’s Stealth.
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Shinobu – BS Attack B3 vs Diu.
- Declaration of ARO’s:Zhang – Declares Change Face (as Shinobu is in 8”)
- Wei – Decides not to declare an ARO
- Resolution:Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 11”) vs Diu. She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [4], [7], [15].
- Diu makes her BS Attack ARO (Range 11”). She needs 5’s (BS 11 +3 Range -3 cover, -6 TO Camo). She rolls a [4].
- Shinobu’s [7] hits.
- Zhang makes a Change Face (PH 10 – 3) and rolls an 8
- Effects:Diu (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 13. She rolls [12] +1 = 13, and fails, loses one wound and goes to the Unconscious state
- Zhang is within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. He has Activated by ARO, so can’t use Warning!
- Wei is within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. He has not Activated by ARO, so can use Warning! to spin, without changing position to face Shinobu.
- Conclusion:–
In the above example it again shows that using Warning! can be more effective than using Change face when in ZoC of an enemy, but this should be balanced against the fact that Shinobu could have split her B3, putting 1 burst on each Celestial Guard.
Version 5 Inside ZoC
- Declaration of the First Short Skill:Shinobu – Move’s out to gain LoF on all 3 Celestial Guards
- Declaration of ARO’s:Diu – Declares BS Attack
- Zhang and Wei – Can’t declare ARO’s due to Shinobu’s Stealth.
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Shinobu – BS Attack
- B1 vs Diu.
- B1 vs Zhang.
- B1 vs Wei.
- Declaration of ARO’s:Zhang – Declares Change Face (as Shinobu is in 8”)
- Wei – Decides not to declare an ARO
- Resolution:Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 11”) vs Diu. She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [7].
- Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 12”) vs Zhang. She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [4]
- Shinobu makes her BS Attack (Range 14”) vs Wei. She needs 14’s (BS 11 + 3 range). She rolls [15].
- Diu makes her BS Attack ARO (Range 11”). She needs 8’s (BS 11 +3 Range, -6 TO Camo). She rolls a [4]. Shinobu’s [7] hits.
- Zhang makes a Change Face (PH 10 – 3) and rolls an [8]. Shinobu’s [4] hits.
- Effects:Diu (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 13. She rolls [12] +1 = 13, and fails, loses one wound and goes to the Unconscious state
- Zhang (ARM 1) makes an ARM save vs Damage 13. He rolls [14] +1 = 15, and succeeds.
- Zhang is within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. He has Activated by ARO so can’t use Warning!
- Wei is within 8” of a friendly trooper (Diu) who was the target of an attack. He has not Activated by ARO, so can use Warning! to spin, without changing position to face Shinobu.
- Conclusion:Zhang makes a Guts test – He elects to fail, and moves 2” reaching Total Cover and modifies his facing.
Example D Multiple Troopers Using “Silent” Weapons
Jai Li, Ninja of the Foot clan, moved stealthily behind the lines of the Combined Army force. She moved up behind a trio of Rodok’s, one with a menacing missile launcher, one with a wickedly curved knife (he must be the paramedic), the other holding a shotgun in each hand. She slid a single black arrow out of her full quiver, and nocked it in her carbon fibre tactical bow. It made no sound as she drew back in the bow and released. The arrow moved so fast, someone might have thought it just materialised in the back of the Rodok’s head. His lifeless dropped to the ground. The Rodok Missile launcher continued to scan his fire lane, and barked something in Morat whichher translation software said was “*(&^%&, stopping making so much noise, we are hunting”. He didn’t realise that it was he who was the hunted as Jai Lai drew a wicked looking knife and move forward.
[Silent. If you use this weapon or piece of Equipment to make an Attack while outside the target’s LoF, that target cannot react by Changing Facing or apply the Warning! rule unless he survives the Attack (that is, isn’t in a Null state after the Attack is resolved).
Additionally, enemies without LoF in whose Zone of Control the Attack took place or was declared cannot declare AROs or apply the Warning! rule unless the target survives the Attack. This means that these enemies must delay their ARO declaration until after the Attack is resolved.]
Version 1 Using a Silent Ranged Weapon
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Ninja Jai Li – Move (Stealth)
- Declaration of ARO’s: None possible. Ninja Jai Li is using Stealth.
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Ninja Jai Li – BS Attack (Silent Tactical Bow) vs Rodok Twin Shotguns.
- Declaration of ARO’s: None possible – Tactical Bow has the Silent tag
- Resolution:Jai Li is at 4”.She needs 11’s (BS 11 + 3 range – 3 mimitism). She rolls [7].
- Effects:Rodok (Twin Shotgun) (ARM 2) makes two ARM saves (Double Action) vs Damage 12 (PH). He rolls a [3] + 2 = 5, and a [11] + 2= 13, make one and fails the other going to the Unconscious State.
- Rodok Paramedic and Rodok Missile Launcher both can’t use Warning as Silent prevents it.
- Conclusion:–
If she had missed, then all of the Rodoks could have applied Warning! as they target would have survived the attack. If she has hit, and the Rodok has made both ARM saves, both he and the other Rodoks could all apply Warning! as the target survived the attack.
Version 2 Using a Silent Close Combat Weapon
- Declaration of the First Short Skill: Ninja Jai Li – Move (Stealth) into base contact with the Rodok Paramedic.
- Declaration of ARO’s: None possible. Ninja Jai Li is using Stealth and moved into base contact outside LoF.
- Declaration of the Second Short Skill: Ninja Jai Li – CC Attack (Silent Knife) vs Rodok Paramedic using Martial Arts Level 3.
- Declaration of ARO’s: Rodok can now ARO with either a Dodge or CC attack. As he’s a Morat he goes for a CC Attack with his Pistol.
- Resolution:Jai Li is using MA3. She needs 26’s (CC 23 + 3 for MA ). She rolls [4] +6 = 10.
- Rodok Paramedic rolls vs 12’s (CC 15 – 3 Opponents MA), he rolls a 4, but is beaten Ninja Ji Li’s [4] + 6 = 10.
- Effects:Rodok Paramdic (ARM 2) rolls an ARM save vs Damage 11 (PH -1) and gets a [5] which is a fail. He goes to Unconscious, but the Shock effects from the knife takes him straight to dead.
- Rodok Missile Launcher both can’t use Warning as Silent prevents it.
- Conclusion:–
If the Rodok Paramedic had won the F2F roll, or had made the ARM save, both he and the other paramedic could use Warning!
Hopefully the above examples put in context the choice that may need to be made between using Change Face, Alert, or using Warning!
The key issue with warning is that it can only be used by a Trooper who has not been Activated by Order or ARO. If an enemy attacks outside of your ZoC and LoF that’s fine as you don’t get an ARO anyway. If the enemy attacks within ZoC then it becomes a dilemma between making no ARO declaration, taking the attack and hoping to make the ARM/BTS save to use Warning! OR using Change Face, in the hope of winning the F2F roll.
In future editions of Infinity – I would hope that Warning!, Alert, Guts and Change Face could all be unified under a central rule, as in the current rules set, these rules don’t always seem to fit well together and create a lot of confusion.
If there are further examples that you would like to be added to this article, or any questions, please leave comments below or PM me on FB Messenger from the StrategosLevel3 FB page.