Mission 014: Asteroid Blues
The fourth Infinity Campaign is coming, and it’s called Asteroid Blues! As in previous campaigns, the Nomad Nation commanders will have a great deal of autonomy–go where you like, do what you like.
There are a few of us in the Nomad Nation that have the audacity to call ourselves the Nomad Elder Council, and we’ll be filling the role of coordinators for the duration of the campaign, to help focus Nomad efforts and retain some semblance of cohesiveness. We’ll be suggesting targets to go after in various phases of the campaign, and keeping our eyes open for particularly stellar commanders to be recognized at the end of the campaign.

So, with that in mind, we humbly propose the following goals for the campaign:
- Have FUN!
- Share our love of this game with the rest of the community!
- Have the best memes!
- Get new players into the game!
You’ll note that none of those goals are: “Make the red part of the graph bigger.” We can’t always control our ability to get a game in due to the pressures of life. So, rather than stress out about it, let’s set a goal to do something we can actually do.
We have control over our ability to be relentlessly positive, supportive, and upstanding members of the Infinity community. Haqqislam has historically been our reliable and unflagging ally in these campaigns and will remain so.

That doesn’t mean we can’t try to take the crown of best faction example of sportsmanship and community from them!
The Mission
So, to aid us in this, Bromad Academy and the Nomad Elder Council are working together to bring you this month’s mission! We’re not restricting the mission to Nomad participants–everyone can be an awesome example for our great community!
We will be offering prizes for players that can accomplish the following achievements. We’ll draw randomly from all eligible participants for our winners, and we’ll add more prizes as more entries come in. Depending on the volume of entries, we may split respondents into Nomad and non-Nomad respondents (StarCo and ForCo count as Nomad as always) and have separate prize pools. Please send all entries to [email protected] with one of the following subject lines:
- Community Organization – Organize a game night where everyone plays a campaign game, take some pictures of you folks having fun and send ’em in! If there were any awesome or hilarious moments, let us know about that too! Please use the subject line “Community Organization” for this submission!

- Bromad Academy Reflection – Since you’ll be writing battle reports for the campaign, analyze your game as if you were submitting it to one of the previous Bromad Academy missions! Please mail us with the subject line “Bromad Academy Reflection,” with a link to your battle report, and your analysis of the game referencing one of the previous Bromad Academy Missions.

- Meme Contest – Submit your best memes to with the subject “Meme Contest” to [email protected]. The Nomad Elder Council will vote on who has the best meme at the end of the mission. Please keep the memes safe for work! We’ll post a collection when we’re all done.

If you can’t do any of the above, that’s fine! There are plenty of ways the Nomad Nation can contribute to an inclusive, fun experience for everyone in the campaign.
- Add a Photo of you and your Opponent – Snap a photo of the two of you having a good time and add it to your battle report!
- Upvote Another Factions’ Battle Report – Go upvote other factions’ battle reports. Let ’em know we sent you to say hi with the hashtag #BromadFistBump
- Recommend Another Factions’ Battle Report – We’ll be starting a thread in the campaign forum to capture high-quality Nomad battle reports, but we’ll also be starting another one for non-Nomad battle reports! Just because they’re the enemy ALEPH player doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate that they’re having great games too!
That’s it! Get out there, be the best Bromad you can be! Good Hunting!

You always rock guys!
cheers from the Heart of the Hyper power
Good recommendations there, you folks are always doing a great work on accessibility for the game and call to fair plays.
See you on the batrep field!