Painting Entries 007 – Conversions
Eduardo (PibeLobo)
Yegor (thisisme)

Judges, please only evaluate the Sonic conversion, in blue. Thanks!

Carlos (Zeps)

Matt (MattyMcFly)

Jo (The MightyJob)
Larry (Correria)

Dawid (Shingen)

Josef (Moxie)

Nate (natet3haggresar)

Arsenij (Avendigo)
David (osographic)

Christian (spacemonkeymafia)

Jordan (Obyiscus)
For Fun!

wow a gorgos – just getting it will be instant win 🙂
That was a great one. All the entries are so interesting to look at, that Marut…
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Hi guys, I’m David (osographic). FYI, my Corax Hasht conversion uses the old Corax torso/cape and Defiance Nox legs and arms. The head is classic Hasht with a sculpted mask using green stuff and the Spitfire belongs to the original Hasht with the hand sanded off.