Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Painting Competiton

Painting Entries 019: Narrative Model

Andrea (VeryFastPanda)

Here is Mariam “Takeshid0” Akebe, the Wildcat hacker I’m going to use as focus for the narration in the battle reports for Operation Edgelord.

Jan (Tristan228)

So this will be my contribution to the narrative Model Competition:

The Red Fury wielding Rounder!

Her name’s Sgt. Phoenix “Fèng”Almonte and she’s employed in the Blue Orchid Palace, a Casino run by the Tunguska based Dark Orchid Society (see Daedalus’ Fall) in VaudeVille. And of course because the D.O.S. are Triads with a casino branch and miners on LuY911 like to throw their hard earned ammonia Skenders around all this has to be “regulated” by the right people.

Luca (DropBear)

Here is my entry for the competition. In the form of Yu Jing Ambassador, he is no less than the dreaded Diplomat Xi. While his presence is rarely felt on the battlefield, this vicious mastermind use the military capabilities of the STateEmpire’s forces for his own ends (and playing tricks on the Imperial Service).

For additional information on Diplomat Xi and his adventures, please stay tuned on my blog, where reports and narratives are constantly added: https://dropbearslog.blogspot.com/

Jordan (Obyiscus)

Attached is my entry for the Bromad Academy Q3 – Narrative Model painting competition. It was great to let him have his first outing against Jon. I look forward to hearing feedback on the new scheme.

Dawid (Shingen)

My first army since 2014 was QK, and by far my most taken unit in that army was YuanYuan with chain rifle and DA CCW. They won me many games, but I never painted the original double-pack of the figures. For some reason I never liked the design of the miniatures and usually proxied them with some awesome sculpts from Kev White of (then) Hasslefree Miniatures.

These days, with QK most probably going away, I went down the memory lane and painted the original, each brushstroke reminded me of their great actions; combat jumping on 11s, throwing smoke in ARO on 17s to conceal nearby Djanzaban sniper in 5 men link, completely derailing any plans the opponent might have had for the turn. I’m not sure you can find more terror for 9 points, I’m certain thou, that you couldn’t back then, ask my opponents.

Supporting the Blog

Pete (YueFei23)

Here is my Jiyuan Unlimited Corporation Minerbot, delivering a StoorWorm egg disguised as a large Durian to HuEOS 289 as a gift of friendship to the Rocaworks and Sterling Forge mining companies.

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