Tuesday, October 22, 2024
EdgeloreOperation Edgelord

September 2024 Summary

September’s bonus mission was Differential Diagnosis, which you can find the story for here:

The bonus took Yu Jing above Combined Army and just out of Haqqislam’s reach!

Faction Games OP Losses Secret
Yu Jing 6 29 955 1
Combined Army 6 28 754 2
Haqqislam 4 28 480 1
Nomads 5 20 608 0
NA-2 3 18 296 0
Ariadna 2 13 458 1
PanOceania 3 8 608 0
ALEPH 1 3 90 0
Tohaa 1 0 150 0
O-12 1 0 284 0

Faction Updates


Uncle Pentium rewinded the clips. If AI could have headaches, it would definitely have one. It had no time for it, but it had to better digest what had happened. If AI had senses, he would have felt its sixth one tingling. 

A minor mission. A single flash in the multitude of fireworks which was Operation Edgelord. Still, something very peculiar had happened in that quick friction at Averroes.

The ten clips started playing once again, from the beginning.

Averroes camp, southern sector, underground facility number 6. The warcor’s camera panned over the site. She quickly assessed the position of Erin, Aleph’s own undercover agent, unsuspiciously infiltrated by shooting her in the previous mission. Too bad there were two Erin, as that was also the identity of Aleph’s warcor. 

This was the first thing puzzling Uncle Pentium: why hadn’t the system warned him of this anomaly? Despite having both of Erins copies under its command, this should have been noticed and analyzed.

Uncle Pentium skipped forward, neglecting the clear shots that downed its Satrah on the roofs, until he saw the Exrah executive officer in the Riksha’s field of vision.

“There are no permanent partners, only permanent interests, everything else is either an obstacle or a tool.” These words keep echoing in its consciousness but still it didn’t make any sense for that Exrah to be Haqq’s undercover agent. What was going on?

But the most incredible thing was yet to come. It went fast forward, as the active clips went down to seven, five, four. Finally, Uncle Pentium paused the clips once again. There it was the silhouette it was looking for. It felt genuinely surprised, but maybe it had just hoped for reality to be different form its suspects: why was Pandora fighting side by side with the enemy at Averroes?

Aleph’s undercover agent opened fire against her, while she ducked for cover after trying to reanimate a fallen trooper. What it means to save a life suspended in a cube at Averroes? It means to perpetrate a certain chain of lies, Uncle Pentium though bitterly, a chain of lies to harness your allies and dispel your enemies.

Aleph thought to have always been two steps ahead but now, contemplating the darkness around Du-ε, Uncle Pentium considered it was very difficult to tell directions in space. Maybe ahead was not the right place to be.

Uncle Pentium


Ariandan forces engaged in cloak and dagger operations against Combined Army forces with a minor success, and also fought some Yu Jingyu forces in the tunnels of Dewey as the Yu Jing soldiers attempted to root out the troublesome NA2 rabble.

Combined Army

The Dravot Group recently became aware of a Tunguskan plot to kidnap the robotaxi of a popular sensaseries star, and heroically attempted to intervene! Of course, such allegations are vehemently denied by Tunguskan leadership, and the sensaseries star has surfaced alive and well.

Dravot Group


Haqqislam was somewhat quiet this month, but our sources tell us that there were three separate infiltration attempts by ALEPH, PanOceania, and Yu Jing of the Averroes Hospital campus! Haqqislamite representatives had this to say:

After an unexplained virus release at the Averroes Campus Virology Lab earlier this week, Haqqislam would like to remind the powers that are involved in the Edgelord Theater of Operations that mercenary attacks will be full investigated and all possible effort will be put into finding the hiring parties identities and pursuing grievances with them to the full extent of the law.

Dhalik Alshabuu

McMurrough seems to have ah… seen some action in the Averroes Virology labs… not the safest place for him to be!


A Corregidor force engaged PanOceanian knights in an attempt to follow the the BitCred trail leading to the purchase of Dewey:

StarCo’s Property and Assets Recovery Team (P.A.R.T.y) successfully fulfilled a Tunguskan shipping insurance contract, but more importantly, proved that curiosity killed the Kamau.

Courtesy Tristan228

While attending the Human Edge Geological Conference, Zuri and the crew of the Bring Guns to Bear take a detour to investigate a trail of BitCreds

Zuri, courtesy of CrazyKoala

Zuri and the team of Wildcats secured enough BitCreds to run a trace…

Courtesy of VeryFastPanda

Which pointed back to a Paradiso-based agricultural company, Reap and Sow:

Courtesy of VeryFastPanda


Commissioner Angel has released a series of public announcements for all O-12 personnel and affiliated officers in system:

This is a public announcement that Copperbots do not contain copper.

And another announcement all PanO TAG operators make sure that you properly secure your Squalos as the newest model contains 8kg of copper.

Commissioner Angel

Attention all personnel: Do not eat the riot foam. It is inedible. It is not cheese whiz or whipped cream!

Do not accept any challenge from O-12 officers to a riot foam eating contest, even if it is for bragging rights.

Commissioner Angel

Upon hearing this, Nomad personnel immediately initiated a food fight.


In a similar vein, PanOceania immediately issued a statement about this wonderful new product opportunity:

We will be releasing an edible riot foam product shortly.

It will be released alongside our new line of Aerosol condiments beginning with Mustard with Hot Caledonian Mustard and Mild USAriadnan Mustard, he perfect addition to add to Snackrah!

HyperCorp Delegation Chairman Antipodean Bolt

Yu Jing

Imperial Service agents continue to follow the money. There are a significant number of irregularities, including an NMF Jaguar single-handedly disrupting ISS activities in system.

Courtesy of DropBear


JSA and Tunguska skirmished, but this time without a Keisotsu missile launcher overwatch! Perhaps there are some Ninjas in wait…

Legally distinct Denma Conolly definitely does some smoke nonsense…


Ducktail Leaderboard

Faction NA2 Games
NA-2 JSA 2
NA-2 StarCo 1

Faction Summary

Faction Games OP Losses Secret
Combined Army 6 28 754 2
Yu Jing 6 28 955 1
Haqqislam 4 24 480 1
Nomads 5 20 608 0
NA-2 3 17 296 0
Ariadna 2 13 458 1
PanOceania 3 7 608 0
ALEPH 1 2 90 0
Tohaa 1 0 150 0
O-12 1 0 284 0
Faction Games OP Losses Secret
Combined Army 6 28 754 2
Yu Jing 6 28 955 1
Haqqislam 4 24 480 1
Nomads 5 20 608 0
Ariadna 2 13 458 1
JSA 2 10 209 0
StarCo 1 7 87 0
PanOceania 3 7 608 0
ALEPH 1 2 90 0
Tohaa 1 0 150 0
O-12 1 0 284 0

Faction Versus Data

Faction Adversary Games Faction OP Adversary OP Faction Losses Adversary Losses Faction Secret Adversary Secret
ALEPH Haqqislam 1 2 5 90 102 0 0
Ariadna Combined Army 1 5 3 246 175 0 1
Ariadna Yu Jing 1 8 5 212 161 1 0
Combined Army Ariadna 1 3 5 175 246 1 0
Combined Army Nomads 2 5 12 273 167 0 0
Combined Army O-12 1 9 0 50 284 1 0
Combined Army Yu Jing 2 11 9 256 369 0 0
Haqqislam ALEPH 1 5 2 102 90 0 0
Haqqislam NA-2 1 5 0 70 170 1 0
Haqqislam PanOceania 1 6 3 51 234 0 0
Haqqislam Yu Jing 1 8 7 257 203 0 0
NA-2 Haqqislam 1 0 5 170 70 0 1
NA-2 Nomads 1 10 0 39 183 0 0
NA-2 PanOceania 1 7 0 87 207 0 0
Nomads Combined Army 2 12 5 167 273 0 0
Nomads NA-2 1 0 10 183 39 0 0
Nomads PanOceania 1 2 4 174 167 0 0
Nomads Yu Jing 1 6 3 84 173 0 1
O-12 Combined Army 1 0 9 284 50 0 1
PanOceania Haqqislam 1 3 6 234 51 0 0
PanOceania NA-2 1 0 7 207 87 0 0
PanOceania Nomads 1 4 2 167 174 0 0
Tohaa Yu Jing 1 0 4 150 49 0 0
Yu Jing Ariadna 1 5 8 161 212 0 1
Yu Jing Combined Army 2 9 11 369 256 0 0
Yu Jing Haqqislam 1 7 8 203 257 0 0
Yu Jing Nomads 1 3 6 173 84 1 0
Yu Jing Tohaa 1 4 0 49 150 0 0
Faction Adversary Games Faction OP Adversary OP Faction Losses Adversary Losses Faction Secret Adversary Secret
ALEPH Haqqislam 1 2 5 90 102 0 0
Ariadna Combined Army 1 5 3 246 175 0 1
Ariadna Yu Jing 1 8 5 212 161 1 0
Combined Army Ariadna 1 3 5 175 246 1 0
Combined Army Nomads 2 5 12 273 167 0 0
Combined Army O-12 1 9 0 50 284 1 0
Combined Army Yu Jing 2 11 9 256 369 0 0
Haqqislam ALEPH 1 5 2 102 90 0 0
Haqqislam JSA 1 5 0 70 170 1 0
Haqqislam PanOceania 1 6 3 51 234 0 0
Haqqislam Yu Jing 1 8 7 257 203 0 0
JSA Haqqislam 1 0 5 170 70 0 1
JSA Nomads 1 10 0 39 183 0 0
Nomads Combined Army 2 12 5 167 273 0 0
Nomads JSA 1 0 10 183 39 0 0
Nomads PanOceania 1 2 4 174 167 0 0
Nomads Yu Jing 1 6 3 84 173 0 1
O-12 Combined Army 1 0 9 284 50 0 1
PanOceania Haqqislam 1 3 6 234 51 0 0
PanOceania Nomads 1 4 2 167 174 0 0
PanOceania StarCo 1 0 7 207 87 0 0
StarCo PanOceania 1 7 0 87 207 0 0
Tohaa Yu Jing 1 0 4 150 49 0 0
Yu Jing Ariadna 1 5 8 161 212 0 1
Yu Jing Combined Army 2 9 11 369 256 0 0
Yu Jing Haqqislam 1 7 8 203 257 0 0
Yu Jing Nomads 1 3 6 173 84 1 0
Yu Jing Tohaa 1 4 0 49 150 0 0

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