Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Painting Competiton

Painting Competition 020: Branding!

René Lara of WarGarage.org and I are happy to announce the 2024 Quarter 4 painting contest! This competition is worldwide! Tell your friends!

The 2024 Quarter 4 Theme is:

Corporate or Faction Branded Model

Infinity is a Cyberpunk universe, which means corporations are king! Corporations love branding on uniforms, especially for their favorite Aristeia! stars or on popular war heroes. Paint up any model you want with some in-universe corporate (or faction) branding! As an example, here’s my Rhonda Burgundy, reporting for Channel 4 news and the Japanese Secessionist Army!

Here’s an example of modern day branding, if you need some additional inspiration:

Photo Courtesy reddit, but probably from Red Bull

If you were to paint up a FZX branded Triphammer for Operation Edgelord, that might be a good plan too…

The Rules

  1. Start a new model. You may share photos of the mini in a battle report (and should!), but the glamour shots should stay off social media till the end of the quarter, please!
  2. The new model must be from the Corvus Belli miniature range, and fit the contest theme.
  3. Take a picture of the model before you start (primed or starting to be base coated is fine, just not finished).
  4. Send up to 4 photos of the fully painted mini (not including the start photo) to [email protected] and [email protected].
  5. Please number those photos like this: <your ITS name>_01.jpg, e.g. wisekensai_01.jpg, wisekensai_02.jpg, etc.

If you’d like some advice on how to take good photos of your minis, check out these excellent (and easy to follow) guides, in no particular order:

We’ll be accepting submissions until the end of 2024Q4, e.g. December 31st, 2024. If you come out on top after being evaluated by our panel of distinguished judges, you’ll get an Infinity blister as a prize!

If you’d prefer a Bromad Academy patch instead of a blister, we can mail that to you instead! You only get one or the other though. Winners will be selected by wheelofnames.com, because it’s AWESOME.

I’ll also randomly select a winner to get a blister too, so no worries if you aren’t chosen by the judges!

That’s it! Happy painting, everyone!

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