Operation Edgelord
Operation Edgelord as a campaign system is over. Thank you to everyone who participated, your excitement and passion were infectious! The ending of the campaign is purely due to real-life constraints of the campaign staff, and not a reflection of the community. If only there was more time in the day!
Thank you to BorisGreyMenace and Lt. Cuddles for their involvement in the campaign and for the herculean task of taking on the campaign wrap up. You can see BorisGreyMenace’s wrapup and Lt. Cuddles’ story here:
Thank you again to them both, and to you, for reading. We leave you with the penultimate show of Late Night Wargames, where we talk through all of this with BorisGreyMenace and YueFei23:
There are plans to release narrative mission packs in the future, which we will post here and advertise in the usual places.
Faction Discords
Here’s a list of the faction discords:
- Ariadna
- Combined Army
- Haqqislam
- Nomads
- O-12
- PanOceania
- Tohaa – Playable, but out of production.
- Yu Jing
- NA2
To ease the moderation duties of the volunteer discord admins, please don’t join all the discords, just the ones for factions you intend to play.
Get Merch
If you want to support the effort and fund any future patch production, you can buy merch!

We’ll be making patches for the campaign, but there isn’t a concrete schedule in place yet. While you wait, you can grab a Universal Warcor Union patch while supplies last!